What I’ve learned staying home 

When we have to adjust anytime in our lives, we are forced to learn whether we like it or not. Whether we’re living in a new town, experiencing new relationships, or being quarantined at home, I’m not sure there has been a better time I’ve had to learn since moving to New York City. With that being said, I’ve tried to think about what I’ve been learning and it turns out, after writing about it, it appears I’ve learned more than I thought.

Now is the time to try New Apps For Free!! 

Fitbit has an app where you can keep track on not only your exercise but your sleep, how many pounds you need to lose, your water intake, as well as your food intake, and even my hormonal cycle, yes, that’s right. 

There are exercise programs in Fitbit that are free for the first 90 days. A lot of online programs that had a short window to try out now give you 2-3 months to try while people are stuck at home.

What a great time to figure out which apps to use. I started using the Fitbit exercise program that I can follow at home where I’ve set up my office with my yoga mat and block. I did my first exercise routine. I wasn’t sure about it so I gave it 90 days to try it but then my fitbit stopped working. I was glad I got 90 days! 

Conference Calling

Zoom is not the only way to Facetime. After one and a half hours with trying to get my parents connected on zoom with my sister at her house, my nephew dials us all on Facetime and connects us all. Who knew you can facetime with multiple people all at once?

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I used to hate seeing myself on video but now it’s such the norm that I’ve gotten used to it. Sign of the times?  My husband’s hair has gotten so long and after a few meetings our vanity has really gone out the window. It’s actually been engaging to show off his hair as it’s made the conversations fun.

Do you not have an iPhone and your friends have an Android? Use Google Duo as a way to connect. 

It’s nice to know we don’t have to drive to meet anyone anywhere, which in a way, is forcing to figure out what programs to use. 

Are you too old school? There’s the old-school TV that you slide your phone into and a magnifier to make your phone as large as an iPad. Oh, here come the post Covid-19 gadgets! 


Virtual Wine Tastings

Great to watch on Facebook or Instagram but not so great to set up privately, these are to watch out for. This is a great concept I feel we’ll see a lot of, the same way I felt coffee shops would start to emerge in the early 90’s when I wrote about it in our school newspaper. 

With private tastings, you will need to purchase 2-4 bottles, have them shipped and then try all the wines at home. Who can open even 2 bottles at home with 2 people? Instead, the concept of having your friends bring appetizers for an at-home private wine tasting party is what could possibly get used to. This to me seems like it can be much more popular post Covid-19. 

For now, the live tasting parties are the best bet. They offer lessons in wine and pairing ideas. One live tasting party I learned how to pair a baguette with crème fraiche and strawberries with a sparkling rose. On the same live tasting, I learned how to make a simple lamb chop with salt, pepper and rosemary; sautéed for about 2 minutes and then put in the oven at 450 degrees for about 5 minutes. Done.

The Great Outdoors

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Being outside is essential to our health which is probably why picnics have always been my top favorite things to do. I love being outside and the more I’m having to stay indoors, the more I know how necessary it is to my health. 

I won’t just think about it as something “I like to do” but something essential as breathing air. I think once a month picnics will be an essential moving forward, especially that we don’t have an outdoor space to enjoy living in the city. 

Getting to know my neighborhood


I’ve discovered four European pastry shops within walking distance from my home. 

Walking to the bakery has been the one treat I’ve have been able to enjoy since we can’t eat out, go to a concert or even visit with family. 

I would have not known which bakery has the best baguette or which has the friendliest owner before this pandemic. 

Living in the city can overwhelm our daily life where we are rushing all the time. It’s no wonder we haven’t noticed these amazing bakeries. 

I’d still be living in a neighborhood foreign to me but staying home has forced me to enjoy what is around me. 

I think instead of being negative about the situation we’re in, the silver lining is what I’m learning, what I’ve been missing and how my life will be different moving forward. It won’t be with what I’ve just “learned” but maybe who I’m becoming. Certainly our culture will be different just as 9/11 changed the way we live and certainly, the way we travel. 

I’ve heard the word “unprecedented” used more than ever in the last few years. What we shouldn’t dismiss are those things we never experienced before but have been forced to learn. How’s working from home lately?

What a remarkable time it is. 

What have you learned during these unprecedented times?